Dog Training by Using Your Dog Leash

Having a pet dog is one great joy that many people share. Dogs make great guards and companions to have at home. But being a dog owner is great responsibility. You have to provide the dog a lot of things, food, shelter, exercise, toys, among many others. One of the most dreaded responsibilities of a dog owner is potty training.
However, this is not really a difficult ordeal with the various techniques invented by pet owners in teaching dogs how to eliminate properly. One great, time-tested technique is paper training.

Here are some tips for paper training a dog:

1. Spread newspapers over your dog's living space. Use old newspapers - you would not want to soil papers you have not even read yet. Watch the dog carefully and as soon as you notice it to whimper, sniffing the ground and running in circles, bring the dog immediately the spot where you want it to do its business. When the dog goes potty in the right newspaper-covered spot, praise it lavishly, before removing the soiled paper.

2. Leave a small piece of soiled paper on the right spot to potty to guide the dog where the "toilet" area is.

3. When the dog makes accidents, simply wash the area with warm water and rinse with diluted vinegar to kill the odor the dog has left.

4. Soon enough, the dog would get used to the idea of using the newspaper and the spot to go potty. As the dog becomes consistent, gradually reduce the area of the newspaper, making sure that it still goes to that spot where it is supposed to.

5. When a good level of consistency is achieved, let the dog roam around the house and observe it during the times it is supposed to go potty. If you see the dog whining and sniffing at a certain point, bring it immediately back to its potty spot.

6. Use terms for going potty consistently. Do not confuse the dog by saying different phrases to refer to elimination. Eventually, the dog would learn the terms as if they were commands to do its business in the spot you assigned it to.

7. Avoid feeding or letting the dog drink before it sleeps. This will help you and the dog avoid accidents during a time when it is difficult to move to its potty spot.

8. Always praise the dog when it goes potty on the right spot. Have treats available to give the dog rewards when it has done the right thing quite well.

9. Do not punish the dog extremely, as this would only teach it to avoid you. If you would scold do the dog, do it with a light, yet firm and commanding tone.

10. Keep the dog's sleeping area very clean and fresh-smelling. Keep it also far away from its potty spot, but not too far that the dog would not be able to reach it in time to go potty.

Potty training a dog is not really a difficult ordeal with these tips in mind. With some degree of patience and determination, you could teach your dog to eliminate at the right place using paper training. Soon enough your dog will learn where to do it and be the good dog you have always wanted it to be.
For step-by-step dog training instructions you can learn immediately, please visit
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Advanced Dog Training Exercises

Coming when called is a vital skill that every dog must learn, both for its own safety and that of those around it. A disobedient dog that refuses to come when called could easily be hit by a car, get into a fight with another dog, or suffer a variety of other bad experiences. A well trained dog that comes when called can safely be taken out to play in the local park, at the beach, on the hiking trail, or anywhere else the owner and dog may wish to go.

Basic training to come when called is relatively easy and straightforward, and involves providing praise, treats and other perks when the dog does as his owner wants. After these basic come when called training exercises are mastered, there are a number of fun exercises that can be introduced to challenge the dog and pique its interest.

Making training into a fun game is one of the best ways to motivate dog and handler alike. It is easy for training sessions to become routine and boring, and it is important to keep them from degenerating into this state.

Before beginning any food based training exercise, it is important to make sure that the dog is properly motivated and ready to respond to treat based training. Testing the dog is simply a matter of taking a piece of his regular food and waving it in front of the dog's nose. If the dog shows great enthusiasm for the food, it is ready to start the training. If not, it is best to wait until the dog is in a more receptive mood.

The treats that work best for treat based training games like hide and seek are cut up quarter inch or smaller pieces of chicken, cheese or liver. In other words, something your dog will love. It is best to use very small pieces to avoid overfeeding the dog during he training sessions.

One great game for you and another family member or friend to play with your dog is simply back and forth recall. This is a great exercise for teaching your dog to come whenever it is called by a member of the family. Dogs often learn to only respond to one person, and this can be a problem when other people are watching the dog. That is one reason why professional dog trainers always insist on working with the owner as well as the dog. A well trained dog must learn to respond to whoever is in charge, not just the owner or usual handler.

In the back and forth recall game, two or more people stand approximately ten yards apart, in a safe place like a fenced in yard. One person calls the dog and asks him to sit and say until another person asks the dog to come. When the dog responds to the command to come, it is rewarded with a treat. Most dogs respond wonderfully to this exercise and love playing this game. When playing the back and forth recall game, it is important that only the person who called the dog be allowed to give the dog a treat.

After the dog has mastered the back and forth recall game, the humans in the game can start to spread further out, thus turning the back and forth recall game into a fun game of hide and seek. The hide and seek game starts with two or more people in the center room of the house. Every time they call the dog to come, they spread out further away from where they started. As the game continues, one person will be at one end of the house, while another may be at the opposite end. What makes the hide and seek game so much fun for the dog is that he must seek out the person to get the treat, instead of simply running up to a person in plain sight. This type of seeking behavior appeals to many of the dog's natural instincts. After all, dogs are naturally hunting animals, and seeking out food is second nature to them.

Edwina Hanson runs a successful dog and owner training company. She is the author of many articles and reports about all aspects of dog training. Click on Complete Dog Care Report [] for a free 73 page report.
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Dog Training Tips To Make Your Pet Obedient

Any pet dog owner would want the animal to be obedient and well-behaved. Thus, to achieve this goal, you have to follow some dog training tips for instilling obedience in your pet. Obedience training is important as it helps keep the animal safe. It will also ensure that no unwanted behaviors will be adopted by your dog.

Teach Your Dog Positively
Training dogs can either be through negative reinforcements or positive reinforcements. Negative reinforcement involves using collars or electric shock. Using this form of training will only make your dog fearful of you and of other people; eventually leading to aggression and other unwanted unpredictable behavior. Positive reinforcement is better because it allows you to forge a bond with the animal. It uses a clicker along with food rewards and verbal praises.

Follow A Training Schedule
Having a schedule for your training sessions will give the animal something to expect. With a schedule, the dog will anticipate for the exact time of your sessions. If the training is scheduled before its meal, it will even anticipate it and feel more motivated to do well.

Time The Training
It is important that the obedience training session is only short. They only have short attention span and could get tired even of fun activities like chasing a ball. The session should only be about five minutes in order to train an attentive dog. It will lose interest for a training that is longer than this.

Never Punish The Animal
Punishments such as yelling or hitting will only cause the dog to be scared, stressed and even destructive. Rather than punishing it, reward it for any good behavior it displays. It may take a while before it can catch on to what you want to teach it; yet, rewarding your animal will be worth the training.

Use The Clicker
Prior to the training, practice on using the clicker. As mentioned earlier, this is a tool that you can use in providing positive reinforcement training to your dog. It is a simple training tool that you can pinch so it produces a clicking sound. This clicking sound will be taken by the animal as cue to proper behavior. It is important that you click while the dog behaves correctly and not after it; so that it can associate the sound with behaving properly. Practicing with the clicker makes for accurate associations and training.

Plan The Training
In planning, you need to consider what you want the animal to do in the training. Suppose, you want to train it to obey your command to sit down, consider what you would do in order to cue this command such as physical cue, verbal cue or both. Determine also how long you want the dog to sit and where it should sit (beside you or on the exact spot where it should be. Planning is crucial in order to make ultimate advances in the training.

Reward And Praise Your Pet
Rewarding and praising the dog each time that it performs a correct behavior is very helpful in instilling the good habit. You can give it some dog biscuits. You may also hug it for its good performance. Whatever rewards you give your dog, understand that this will help make your dog learn obedience and will make it feel your love and affection.
Secrets To Dog Training will help you change the bad behavior of your pet. Professional Dog Trainer Secrets is another recommended e-book for knowing how to effectively train a dog.
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Home Dog Training - Back To Basics

Home Dog Training results are always directly impacted by the approach in which one chooses to use. When training you must always be knowledgeable and confident in your method. Once this is achieved your new puppy will hands down grow into an obedient dog you will love for years to come. Although you may think you have all the information you need, you will find that you can learn more highly useful tips and tricks from Professional dog trainers. Even though your little one may be super cute, all dogs are not to be leaders and will happily follow the leaders. However, this does not mean he will follow your commands, they will test you, but for the most part you can get a dog to the task at hand.

Acquiring just a few techniques should help you begin your home dog training endeavor. I recommend starting with the most problematic issues you face with your puppy, like excessive barking or something along these lines.Just to be clear, dogs bark to communicate, but if you notice the bark is accompanied with growling or aggression you then know its a problem. So nipping it in the bud before it becomes a problem is my advice, this is only if the barking is excessive and uncontrollable. Now your dog will bark at times when he needs to go outside or when he is ready to eat, if you can stick to a schedule when you feed and walk him you will then be eliminating some of the barking.

Aside from home training your dog not to bark, training your friend to take his walks on a leash can also make a world of difference. 2-3 weeks of training should suffice, than going back and forth with days of intermittent walks on a leash than some walks without a leash is a good start. Your dog may find this a bit confusing, if so another week or two should do the trick. Quick tip: As sure as the sun rises in the west, your puppy will pull on the leash, once this happens, release the tension in the leash and walk in the opposite direction. When your puppy walks beside you, and he will, immediately praise him than gather and roll the leash back up.

Positive and negative reinforcement is the core fundamentals home dog training. For first time dog owners this process may seem a little nerve wrecking, just remember to remain calm and confident and as a result of your persistence your puppy will grow into an obedient dog.
Home Dog Training can be achieved with proper planning and taking tips from the pros.
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Simple Dog Training Advice To Consider

When it comes to training your pet, you will most likely find moments of frustration. Those moments when chaos seems to be the only thing that your dog wants to be a part of might drive you up the wall, but when they settle down and give their attention, that quick upset mentality will fade into a smile and laugh. To thwart the chaos from taking over too often, it's important to look into training your pet the moment they arrive in your home. If you can train them from when they are quite small, you can ensure that you will have a good overall companion for a lifetime, and one that will listen to your voice, obey, and be confident in knowing that you are the master.

When it comes to training, you'll need to be ready for the long haul. The biggest mistake that owners make is that they don't keep training past a certain point. Unfortunately this means that there will be moments of relapse that will be hard to overcome by any pet. You'll want to reinforce rules and regulations and continually teach your dog new tricks, as well as obedience. These should be met with rewards for when they are doing well, and reprimands when they are doing something out of line. Be vigilant over time and you'll have a great overall pet that you can take out and not worry about having to deal with problems.

Playing with your pet is a crucial part of building a relationship with them. Make sure that you're not so strict that all your time is spent trying to teach and train. Spend some quality time playing around, fetching, tug of war, or simple playtime fun. Laugh with them, run with them, and just be a good overall friendly person. They'll draw close to you more and form a great bond, which is the greatest joy that you can have with a dog.

Don't let bad behavior set in. On thing that you'll find is that pets will repeat behaviors that work for them, so when they beg, or they fight and you let them have their way they will continue to do those things, much like children will. In order to thwart this from becoming something of an issue, make sure that you're readily reprimanding them or changing their behavior on the fly by training when they are doing something that is awry. This will take a few tries, but it will stop them from going back to what "works".

Finding dog training advice online can be helpful in conjunction with your plans to implement certain behavioral changes into their lives. Make sure that you take time to process everything, read books, articles, and don't give up if things seem to not be working to your favor. It will take time for your pet to be a well natured and loveable part of the family, so don't rush or push them and by all means don't neglect them either. Make sure you mix up training with fun, and you'll be just fine.
Are you looking for more information regarding Simple Dog Training Advice? Visit today!
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The Benefits To Dog Obedience Training - Unlock Your Dog's Fun Side

A lot of people find dog obedience training to be a challenging process, and it can be, if you haven't learned the right way to do it. One thing you need to consider, is that dog obedience training can also be stressful on your dog. Because of that, how quickly your dog responds to his dog training will depend a great deal on how you carry out that training.

Understanding Dog Obedience Training Basics.

Your relationship with your dog is an area that needs to be emphasized. In order for both of you to feel secure, you need to build a healthy relationship in your household between you and your dog. As you work through this process, you will find that there are lot of techniques that can be used to train your dog. Some of the better known techniques include clicker training, dog whispering, positive reinforcement, marker training, collar and leash training, and reward training, but there are many others including doing it yourself. So whether you plan to go the do-it-yourself route or to hire professional, there are some main goals that need to be achieved.

Some of the main goals that you should set for this training include, establishing a good line of communication between you and your pet, strengthening your bond, and spending additional quality time together. Proper dog training can resolve most of your dogs behavioral problems, including such problems as digging up your yard, chewing up shoes or furniture, excessive barking, jumping up on people, the dog walking you instead of you walking the dog, and many others.

The actual training will help you establish boundaries or rules which will help teach your dog how to be in control of his behavior and become a responsible member of your household. The bottom line is, you will probably not be able to keep him confined at home all the time. There will obviously be times when you will want to take him out for a walk and if the dog is unruly this will not be a pleasant experience. Dogs, just like human beings, need to be taught good manners. After the dog obedience training is completed you will be able to trust that your dog's behavior will be appropriate for any given time, and at any given place.

What Are The Benefits Of Dog Obedience Training?

Dog obedience training will enable you to enjoy your dog's company and provide you pleasure for years to come. The advantages to dog obedience training outlined below, will help you to walk around with a smile on your face instead of worrying about what your dog is going to do next.
The obedience training will mean that your dog's confusions will be eliminated and he will be much more conscious of his good and bad behavior, thereby simplifying life for your dog. Dog obedience training is a rewarding experience, during which your dog will have fun as he masters his new skills. And, if you decide to train the dog yourself, it will be a great time for you to bond and to spend quality time with him. A well trained dog is confident and happy. This makes him a great pleasure to have around.

Dog obedience training will also give your dog more freedom. You won't hesitate to leave him alone and unsupervised because you are sure he will not be a nuisance in your home. Another benefit to dog obedience training is your dog will not threaten other people and animals around him, thereby making him safer. After his training, your dog will have earned your respect and can be considered a great companion and true member of the family.

Overall, dog obedience training takes time and requires you to be really patient as your pet learns. Always being consistent by never falling short of rewards and praise for good behavior, or punishment when necessary for bad behavior, will make this a great experience for both of you and help you unlock your dog's fun side.

Ned D. T. has been involved in dog training for over 20 years. His articles and websites are designed to help people with their dog training needs. You are encouraged to visit his Noteworthy Dog Training website for valuable tips, tools, advice and techniques in dog training and related areas.
© Copyright - Ned D. T. | Noteworthy Dog Training | All Rights Reserved
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Dog Training Tips To Maximize Your Success

Dog training is really not as complicated as you think it might be, actually it is rather simple even with no experience. If you have recently added a new member to your family, you might be wondering how to begin training them. Well, if this is the case you have come to the right place. This article will give you some great tips on dog training to help you be ultimately successful while training your dog. Remember that your dog will get big quickly, and not properly training your dog can lead to a number of problems.

Just as it is hard for a small child to stay focused for an extended period of time, the same is true for your puppy. Long dog training sessions can end up backfiring by burning out your pooch. By training your dog in several short sessions each day can help to keep them focused and eager to learn. Try not to overwhelm your puppy and remember to go slow. After all, it is your puppy that is learning the new task so allow them to do it at their own pace.

You should avoid using negative reinforcement when training your puppy. Dogs respond best to positive reinforcement such as treats and loads of praise. Giving your dog positive responses will encourage and motivate them to keep learning and making you happy. Using negative reinforcement will more than likely only teach your dog to be timid and fear you, which will lead to issues in the future.

To have a well-rounded dog it is important to properly socialize them around other people and animals. Dog parks are a great way to expose your dog to social situations. Dogs that are not properly socialized at an early age can become fearful of people, or aggressive towards other animals. Take your puppy out with you as often as possible and they will learn to love the attention, and make friends with other dogs.

If it is more than just you living in your household, you want to make sure your dog listens to everyone, not just you. This is why it is so important to get the whole household involved with the dog training. This will also teach the dog to respect the other members of the house, even if they are not seen as the alpha.

It is okay to admit that you need help from someone with more experience. Sometimes puppies can be particularly hard to train, so seeking the help of a professional can work wonders. This can also be necessary if you rescue a dog that is overly aggressive or fearful. Knowing your limitations will help you to ultimately be successful.

Use positive reinforcement with your dog. When he displays a desired behavior reward him. You can reward him with treats that he does not get often. You can also give him extra hugs or praise him. Your dog wants to make you happy and when he sees that his behaviors please you, he will continue to do that behavior. Positive reinforcement works much better with dogs than screaming or yelling.
Discipline your dog when he does something he is not supposed to do. The discipline should come right after the undesired behavior so your dog can connect the discipline with the behavior that he just displayed. Waiting too long will not help the behavior.

Be patient with your dog. A dog does not have a long attention span so his training sessions should be kept short. The younger the dog, the less time he will be able to focus on learning a new skill. If you see your dog is no longer interested in the training that is going on, stop and resume at a later time. Trying to train a dog that is not into it will do nothing but overwhelm the both of you. If your dog is not getting a certain skill fast enough, use your patience and remember that he does want to disappoint you.

Dog training is an important aspect of pet ownership. Ensuring that your puppy develops into a happy and well rounded dog is completely up to you. A well trained dog will make your life much easier, and make for a great lifelong companion. Follow the tips shared in this article and you will find that your dog training efforts can be successful.
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Free Dog Training Tips - Expert Advice

Often times when a new pet is introduced to the family, there are some issues that will need ironing out. This is especially true if you get a puppy that hasn't been trained for anything and just wants to play all the time. In order to get your new friend to be obedient and enjoy life with moments of lucidity, you'll need to look into free dog training tips. Often times, you'll find that experts write blogs, post articles, and try their best to communicate ideas for pet lovers that are looking to train their latest addition to the family. If you or someone you know is in search for some ideas, consider the following free advise as some of the highlights that you might see from online forums and more.

Never Stop Training - The first thing that you'll need to know in regards to training your pet is that you never really stop. You need to continually shape your dog's future by showing them lessons and when they accomplish the tasks, give them a treat. You'll be able to first train them, then reinforce rules, introduce them to other things, and have a best friend that is well behaved. However, there are going to be times when there is a relapse of old behavior, and to curb that, you'll need to remember to not throw in the towel, but to continue to train as time goes on.

Exercise - When you're seeking out free dog training tips, you'll probably see experts recommending that you exercise with your pet. This is a great idea, and the more you exercise with your friend the closer they will become to you and will be more prone to obeying your commands. They'll naturally turn submissive and will be confident at your side because you are sharing a special designated time with them. Reward them at the end of your exercise routine, and they'll be docile and loyal over time.
Play Time - Make sure that you don't spend all your time trying to train your pet. You might find that this method is a bit out of the ordinary in some eyes, but it truly does help them out. As the old adage says, "all work and no play... " the same can be true for a puppy. Don't just train all the time when you're with them, take some time to play and have fun, let them know that you care and treat them with great care.

The aforementioned free dog training tips are just a handful of ideas that you can take with you in the process of teaching your pet new ideas, reinforcing old ones, and simply loving them. You will find that there is nothing quite like having a newfound friend joins you in this world. You can have an obedient companion that looks out for you and is truly loyal. It starts with training them from the first time you bring them home, through their adult years. With time, and effort you will find that you can train them to be quite fun.

Are you looking for more information regarding Free Dog Training Tips? Visit today!
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