Dog Training Tips To Make Your Pet Obedient

Any pet dog owner would want the animal to be obedient and well-behaved. Thus, to achieve this goal, you have to follow some dog training tips for instilling obedience in your pet. Obedience training is important as it helps keep the animal safe. It will also ensure that no unwanted behaviors will be adopted by your dog.

Teach Your Dog Positively
Training dogs can either be through negative reinforcements or positive reinforcements. Negative reinforcement involves using collars or electric shock. Using this form of training will only make your dog fearful of you and of other people; eventually leading to aggression and other unwanted unpredictable behavior. Positive reinforcement is better because it allows you to forge a bond with the animal. It uses a clicker along with food rewards and verbal praises.

Follow A Training Schedule
Having a schedule for your training sessions will give the animal something to expect. With a schedule, the dog will anticipate for the exact time of your sessions. If the training is scheduled before its meal, it will even anticipate it and feel more motivated to do well.

Time The Training
It is important that the obedience training session is only short. They only have short attention span and could get tired even of fun activities like chasing a ball. The session should only be about five minutes in order to train an attentive dog. It will lose interest for a training that is longer than this.

Never Punish The Animal
Punishments such as yelling or hitting will only cause the dog to be scared, stressed and even destructive. Rather than punishing it, reward it for any good behavior it displays. It may take a while before it can catch on to what you want to teach it; yet, rewarding your animal will be worth the training.

Use The Clicker
Prior to the training, practice on using the clicker. As mentioned earlier, this is a tool that you can use in providing positive reinforcement training to your dog. It is a simple training tool that you can pinch so it produces a clicking sound. This clicking sound will be taken by the animal as cue to proper behavior. It is important that you click while the dog behaves correctly and not after it; so that it can associate the sound with behaving properly. Practicing with the clicker makes for accurate associations and training.

Plan The Training
In planning, you need to consider what you want the animal to do in the training. Suppose, you want to train it to obey your command to sit down, consider what you would do in order to cue this command such as physical cue, verbal cue or both. Determine also how long you want the dog to sit and where it should sit (beside you or on the exact spot where it should be. Planning is crucial in order to make ultimate advances in the training.

Reward And Praise Your Pet
Rewarding and praising the dog each time that it performs a correct behavior is very helpful in instilling the good habit. You can give it some dog biscuits. You may also hug it for its good performance. Whatever rewards you give your dog, understand that this will help make your dog learn obedience and will make it feel your love and affection.
Secrets To Dog Training will help you change the bad behavior of your pet. Professional Dog Trainer Secrets is another recommended e-book for knowing how to effectively train a dog.
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